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Challenger's SEL Program 

Challenger's SEL Program engages students on a classwide, small group and individual basis.

Our goal is to develop, implement and evaluate proactive programs designed to meet the needs of all students. These programs address social emotional learning and its connection to academic achievement. We strive to improve our students' SEL  by addressing this goal in three ways: 

  • In-Class Lessons: Developmentally appropriate lessons that address topics such as empathy, expected behavior, problem solving and bullying, etc.
  • Small Group Lessons: Support social growth, by developing emotional identification and regulation, problem solving, communication and goal setting.
  • One on One Check Ins: Support individualized skills and strategies to manage strong emotions, stress or crisis, and make good choices.

Throughout the school year, we will adjust the supports offered to meet the needs of all students to ensure best practice. Please talk with your child about what they are learning during SEL lessons, so you can reinforce them at home!

When school counselors are not working directly with students, we're consulting with staff about proactive and reactive intervention strategies to improve behavior. During parent meetings, we ally closely with parents and guardians  to address a variety of student concerns.  In short, we partner regularly with families, teachers, support staff, and administrators. In doing this, we support your child’s ability to learn and be successful at school. 

Please be aware of our sincere respect for confidentiality. In all of our consultation, collaboration, and counseling activities, we follow and adhere to the NASW standards for privacy and confidentiality.